Difference Between CV and Resume

What is a CV?

CV stands for “Curriculum Vitae,” which is a fancy way of saying it’s like a life story on paper. It’s the place where you get to spill the beans about your academic journey, your professional adventures, and even the prestigious awards you’ve collected along the way. 

CVs are best friends with academics and researchers, as they love the whole story, from the beginning to wherever you find yourself now. They tend to be quite detailed and can be quite lengthy.

What is a Resume?

The resume is the cool, shorter version of your life story. It’s like a highlight reel of your professional self, showing off your work experience, education, and skills that match the job you’re after. 

Resumes are the darlings of the private sector job world, where they don’t have time for long tales but want to know what you bring to the table right away.

Key Differences Between CVs and Resumes

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between CVs and resumes:

LengthTypically longer, 2-3 pages or moreTypically shorter, 1-2 pages
PurposeUsed for academic or research positions, as well as some jobs in the public sectorUsed for job applications in the private sector
ContentIncludes educational history, publications, research experience, and awardsIncludes work experience, education, and skills
FormatMore flexible, can be tailored to the specific positionMore structured, follows a standard format

So, which one should you use?

Well, that depends on your destination. If you’re heading towards academic or research pursuits, then the CV is your go-to pal. It’s perfect for those places where they really want to know every little detail of your scholarly adventures.

On the other hand, if you’re embarking on a journey in the private sector, the resume is your best buddy. It’s designed to show off your skills and experience in a snappy and concise way. 

Companies in the private sector are all about efficiency, and the resume fits the bill perfectly.

But hold on a second! Life’s never that simple, is it? 

There are cases where you might need both the CV and the resume. Imagine a job that demands both academic brilliance and professional know-how. 

A hybrid of sorts! In such cases, you might need to wield both your weapons, using the CV to impress the hiring committee and the resume to win over the HR team.


Alright, now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s talk about crafting these magical documents. First off, always tailor your CV or resume to the specific job you’re applying for.

One size definitely does not fit all in this case. Be clear and concise in your language. No one likes a bunch of jargon or fluff! And most importantly, proofread like a pro.

Typos are sneaky little creatures that can ruin your chances of landing that dream job.

Read: 6 Common CV Mistakes and How To Avoid Them